CPM Slovakia s.r.o

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Profil spoločnosti

CPM International are an award-winning contact centre with a global footprint. We deliver inspired customer experience solutions to our clients, offering a global network of agency expertise. We are a diverse, global company that offers our employees superb opportunities to move across the business and around the globe. We have offices across the world including Spain, Ireland, and Malaysia. CPM International are industry leaders with a proven track record and a wealth of experience. We collaborate with some of the world's most dynamic brands helping to deliver first-class customer-focused solutions. Our clients include – Dyson, New Balance, Harley Davidson, Lee Wrangler and Colgate. We have 27,500 employees worldwide. Our mission is to remain at the leading edge of innovation in this ever-changing industry. We’re always ready to diversify into new markets and capitalise on developing technologies.

CPM Slovakia s.r.o
Názov spoločnosti CPM Slovakia s.r.o
Oblasť pôsobenia Iné administratívne a podporné služby
Počet zamestnancov 1000 a viac